
Custom Object Detection

This is a custom single object detection model used to detect a specific object in a given image.

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Object Detection (Example 1)

Objection detection is one of the key use cases for CV. The job requires to detect the objects and coordinates in a given image. In this image, we. are showing the examples for single object detection. The same can be expanded to multiple objects.

Object Segmentation

Object Detection (Example 2)

Objection detection is one of the key use cases for CV. The job requires to detect the objects and coordinates in a given image. In this image, we. are showing the examples for single object detection. The same can be expanded to multiple objects.

Object Segmentation

Model Description:

Model Architecture for SingleObject Detection:

  1. Input:Accepts an image of shape (224, 224, 3).
  2. Convolutional Blocks:
    1. 5 sequential blocks of Conv2D layers withReLUactivation and MaxPooling2D for feature extraction.
    2. Filters progress as 32 → 64 → 128 → 256 → 512.
  3. Global Pooling:
    1. GlobalAveragePooling2D reduces spatialdimensions to a single vector.
  4. Dense Layers:
    1. Two fully connected layers with 512 and256 units for feature refinement.
  5. Output Layer:
    1. Dense(4, activation='sigmoid') outputs 4normalized values representing bounding box coordinates: [x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max].

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